Monday, June 29, 2009

BAD Move

Last week the Orlando Magic traded away Rafer Alston and Courtney Lee to the New Jersey Nets to get Vince Carter. I keep hearing how good this trade is but to me this is the worst move of the off-season yet. Orlando gave away a backup point guard that led them to the Finals and a solid starting rookie in Courtney Lee. In return they get Vince Carter's huge ego. They now have 4 players who will all be in need of the ball; I just don't see this working. With this trade i see Hedo Turkgolu packing his bags and going to another team. So much for the promising future Orlando...


  1. dude!! u didt pay attention to the nets last yr did u? vince carter's ego? this guy, an all star player, took backseat so devin harris can emerge. he didnt complain when l. frank(nets coach) revolved the whole offence around harris and everyone in the organization says he emerged as a true leader this yr, VINCE IS GONNA SURPRISE A LOT OF PPL THIS PCOMING SEASON.

    it was a gd trade for both new jersey and orlando.

  2. I like the trade for NJ more because they have a young group to build on...VC won't mesh with Orlando, he's not a winner
